Cookies Policy


Welcome to (the “Website”). This Cookie Policy is designed to provide You with information about how We use cookies on our Website. By continuing to browse or use our Website, you agree to our use of cookies as described in this policy.

We do not collect or store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). All data collected by our Website is psuedoanonymized. Read our Privacy Policy for more information.

What Is a Cookie?

A cookie is a piece of information that most websites set on devices’ browsers to remember something about their visitors at a later date.

A similar technology, known as “local storage”, may also be used in our Services as an alternative to cookies. This is technology which is similar to cookies, and provides similar functionality. Where we refer to “cookies” in this policy, we mean either cookies or local storage.

Cookies store information about your visits to our Website, and help your browser render our Website, and analyze your use of our Website to help us provide you with a better user experience.

There are two main types of cookies: Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies. A Session Cookie disappears after you close your browser. A Persistent Cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the website. We may use both types of cookies.

The cookies on our website are either set by us or by third-party partners, and fall into the categories described in the sections below.

Cookies Set by Us

Cookie NameDescriptionDuration
BASKET-PROVIDERSUsed to store a list of providers You have chosen to compare.Permanent
LPGUsed to store your entry page to our WebsitePermanent
CONSENT_GRANTEDUsed to track acceptance of our cookie conditions.Permanent
SESSIONIDUsed to track activity on our Website during a single visit.Permanent
USERIDUsed to count visits from You to our Website.Permanent
H2-PUSHUsed to indicate if certain JavaScript & CSS StyleSheet files should be pushed to your browser.Permanent

Third-party Services


We are always committed to providing a good experience on our Website. These cookies allow us to monitor how visitors use our website.

This information provides us with anonymous statistics on how many people visit the website, where they have come from and the pages they visit. This allows us to develop and improve the website and our services.

Third PartyDescription
Google AnalyticsCollects statistical information about how you use our Website so that we can improve it.Learn more
Microsoft ClarityCollects statistical information about how you use our Website for the performance of our Website in web browsers.Learn more
SpeedCurveCollects statistical information about the performance of our Website in web browsers.Learn more


Some of these cookies allow us to track the anonymized performance of our online advertising campaigns. Others allow third parties to identify what you show an interest in, allowing a more personalized and relevant selection of advertisements to be displayed when you browse the internet.

Third PartyDescription
Google AdsTracks performance of advertising campaigns.Learn more
Microsoft AdvertisingTracks performance of advertising campaigns. Learn more

Special Offers

These cookies allow us to display special or seasonal offers on our Website. We limit how much we display such offers, to avoid them interfering with your use of our Website.

Third PartyDescription
OptinmonsterDisplays modals showing special offers based on visitors’ behavior on our Website.Learn more

Affiliate Links

When you visit a VPN provider’s website via our Website, it’s likely you’ll do so through an affiliate link.

When you click on an affiliate link, a cookie is set and, if you sign up for a VPN subscription, the provider is able to determine you have come via our Website. As a result, we may earn a commission, which allow us to run this Website as a free service to our visitors.

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), a trade association for online and mobile advertising, has published guides to help you understand how affiliate marketing works.

How to Control Cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see

You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

Here are some cookie resources that explain how to opt out of cookies through your browser: